Alexandra Carey
Please feel free to contact Alexandra on: careyalexandra@btinternet.com
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Charities that Alexandra's Ted Ted books have supported:
Ted Ted and the Dhobi Ghats was published to support the charity DoorStep School, a charity in India that provides education and support to the often forgotten children of pavement dwellers, slum dwellers, construction site families and many other underprivileged families. This organisation attempts to help these children by bringing 'an education to their doorstep'. For example, by creating classrooms in buses or in temporary shacks on construction sites.
The charity now helps over 50,000 children annually with literacy programs at more than 125 locations in both Mumbai and Pune. From the sales of the book Alexandra was able to donate £6,000 to DoorStep School.

Ted Ted, Trouble in Tokyo was published to support a Malaysian charity called Dignity & Services which aims to raise awareness of the plight of children and young people with learning disabilities particularly Autism and Down's Syndrome.
The charity aims to help create a society in which persons in Malaysia with learning disabilities enjoy dignity and respect, equal rights and opportunities to lead an independent and meaningful life within the community. From the sale of the book Alexandra was able to donate £2,000 to Dignity & Services.
Alexandra and her two daughters with illustrator Antonia Ghazlan in Kuala Lumpur in 2010 when Ted Ted and the Dhobi Ghats was published.

Alexandra in her garden in KL as featured in Expatriate Lifestyle Magazine after the publication of Ted Ted, Trouble in Tokyo in 2012
Alexandra in 2012 at the launch of Ted Ted, Trouble in Tokyo at Browsers Bookshop in Woodbridge, Suffolk.

2010 - present
2010 - present